Tips to Improve SEO Image on Website


Tips to Improve SEO Image on Website

Usually blog writers will try to compress images, write titles and alt text that are in accordance with the focus of the keywords that have been determined so that they can SEO images. This is a method that can indeed be done and is a basic step in saying SEO image. But basically doing that is not enough, because this method has not been able to maximize the SEO image. Now Google Image Recognition Algorithm is very advanced and cannot be underestimated. So you as a blog writer need to do the right way for SEO image optimization on the website.

Now Google's Image Recognition Algorithm has explored very detailed and accurate matters without the need to know the position of the title and alt text. By knowing how the current sophisticated Google algorithm works, then of course blog writers must make the right efforts so that SEO image increases. For this reason, consider the following tips to improve the SEO image on the website.

1. Give the appropriate image name

Naming a file can give Google clues to an image. For example, if you post a picture of a cute lovebird, instead of giving the image a simple name like LBD_27072021.jpg, you should name it Lovebird-lucu.jpg. This method has actually been practiced by many people as the basis for SEO image optimization. Even though Google's Image Recognition Algorithm is considered to be very perfect and intelligent but still there is a possibility that Google's algorithm is wrong.

So blog writers must still give a name to a file or image to be posted to help Google recognize images on the website. But still try not to give names to files that seem long and wordy. Just give a name that is on point and in accordance with the image and related to the focus keyword.

2. Post the best quality image format

Usually images taken from the internet use various types of formats such as GIF, JPEG, JPG, and PNG. Each of these formats must use a different compression method. So the size of the same image can also vary depending on the format used. Images on websites are often the most important factor that causes the load time on a page to take longer. So blog writers should not underestimate the size of the images to be posted. How fast or load time the page opens is very influential for the SEO image on the website. We recommend that the format used is the best for each image posted on the website.

3. Caption and alt text must be explained completely

Alt text is an alternative text that functions to support Google in identifying the topic being discussed in website content. Therefore, descriptions on images should use complete and clear alt text. When giving a name to an image, each alt text does not need to be forced to display the focus keyword, just provide a clear caption or description on the image.

4. Make sure the uploaded image is responsive

Responsiveness here means that the image must be able to adjust its resolution to the device used by the visitor. So if the blog author uploads an image with a resolution of 720p on the website, when a visitor opens the website on a mobile device with a resolution of 320p, the image can automatically change to a resolution of 320p which was originally 720p. That way blog writers don't have to worry if the website loading takes longer on mobile devices.

Those are some tips to improve the SEO image on the website. Hope it is useful!

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