Tips to Improve WordPress Security on Websites


Tips to Improve WordPress Security on Websites

Basically, so that your WordPress website is protected from cyber crime, malware or malicious viruses that might cause problems with your website in the future, so that your website doesn't run properly, there's a lot that needs to be done. You may think that creating strong and hard to guess passwords can be a security for WordPress, that's true, but doing so is certainly not enough. Therefore, check out the following review for tips on improving WordPress security on your website to protect it from malware and other harmful viruses.
1. Always backup website data regularly

Are you wondering why we have to back up data regularly in an effort to protect wordpress? The answer is none other than to prepare for the worst if there is an unexpected crash on the website. By doing regular backups, you will not lose data because you already have the backup file.

2. Subscribe with trusted hosting

To help improve website security, there are several hosting options that you can subscribe to. To get the best website security, choose a hosting service that provides complete security features for a subscription. So don't be easily tempted by the cheap price, because posting is like a house where everything is stored on the website. If the house has been protected with a complete security system then what is in it will also be safe.

This can also happen the other way around, if the house or hosting is protected by security, it is possible that everything in the house is not stored properly and can be stolen at any time. So you should choose a hosting service that is able to offer a full range of features to subscribe to in order to increase security. There are several security features that can be used such as SSL, Imunify360 and anti spam email.

3. Using Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

2FA is one of the security login methods on the website that can be done in 2 steps. Wattpad also does support this layered security feature. The use of 2FA is logging in as usual through a WordPress username and password after that filling in a unique code that is sent through several communication platforms such as email, telephone, SMS or even an application from 2FA.

4. Maintain website security from DDoS attacks

DDoS is a cyber crime attack that is quite dangerous, where this DDoS can overwhelm network traffic. This can cause your website to experience overload, so the result is that the substance cannot be accessed at all. To prevent this condition, then you need to provide a protection website with Cloudflare. Cloudflare can be used as a deterrent to malicious traffic before attacking websites by blocking it. That way, attacks originating from DDoS can be blocked before they reach your website.

5. Get rid of old themes and disadvantages that are no longer used

If your website has a theme or plugin that is no longer in use, then the best thing you can do is get rid of it. Especially if the plugin has not been updated for a long time. This shows that the security is not optimal so that it can be used as a loophole for bad things to happen that hackers use to do bad things on your website. After that, don't forget to update your WordPress and plugins to the latest version if they are available

Those are some tips that can be done to increase the security of WordPress on the website. Hope it is useful!

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